Monday, December 3, 2012

Minerals in bodybuilding

Minerals call substances of an inorganic origin which aren't developed by cages of plants and animals, but contain in quantities in foodstuff. In the course of activity the human body feels need for minerals. In bodybuilding by the most important function of minerals development of energy and maintenance of water and electrolytic balance are ensuring conductivity of nervous fibers and reduction of muscles, and also. Some minerals act also as substances forming new muscular fabrics. For example, phosphorus and calcium act as components of tissue of bones, and zinc participates in process of synthesis of testosterone.

Minerals can be classified on macrocells and microcells. At the heart of this classification the quantitative index of requirement of an organism in these or those minerals lies.

Microcells: copper, chrome, iron, cobalt, silicon, iron, zinc, selenium and other minerals — the daily need of an organism for them doesn't exceed 200 mg.

Macrocells: magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus — daily need of an organism for them not less than 200 mg.

Vitamin C — is "king" of muscular "weight".  Digestion of food protein and further synthesis of new proteinaceous structures depend on vitamin C, in particular in muscles.  Vitamin C is the strongest stimulator of anabolism of muscles.  Nevertheless, body builders should accept it carefully.  This vitamin is synthesized by an organism independently.
Excess reception of vitamin C with food can block own production of vitamin approximately as it happens to sexual hormones at reception of artificial hormones — steroids.
Athletes feel the increased need for a pyridoxine as it participates in all processes of growth of proteinaceous fabrics, and first of all in muscles.
The best sources of vitamin — natural. Beer yeast, liver, cottage cheese, cabbage, potatoes, peas, buckwheat concern to them.
This vitamin is catastrophically important for body builders as the carbohydrate exchange entirely depends on it. If тиамина in an organism doesn't suffice, the eaten carbohydrates aren't acquired. Moreover, in an organism toxic products of an intermediate exchange of carbohydrates — dairy and pirovinogradny acids collect.
Thanks to this vitamin B an organism there is a digestion of calcium and phosphorus — two microcells which are extremely necessary for muscular reduction.  Shortage of vitamin D leads to falling of force and power endurance.  It is interesting that vitamin D can be formed in an organism independently under action on skin of sunshine, mainly, an ultra-violet range.  Here therefore moderate stay on a beach turns into increase of a physical tone.
As showed researches, artificial radiation of shtangist by an ultraviolet in a sunbed leads to increase in results at 4-5%.
This vitamin takes part in 60 metabolic processes aiming extraction of energy. In case of an acute shortage ниацина the organism is capable to synthesize independently it from amino acid under the name триптофан. Once ниацин in the form of the preparation "nicotinic acid" it was applied by professionals on the eve of an exit to a podium. The shock dose of a preparation shows krovetnyusny vessels and therefore the participant of competitions looks more relief. It is impossible to accept ниацин in big doses (50-100 mg) during precompetitive training. This vitamin blocks and almost completely stops "burning" of subcutaneous fat.
Vitamin A takes part in process of creation of new muscular cages.  It is clear that its deficiency is capable to bring to naught posttraining restoration.  The second:  vitamin A defines rates and number of formation of a glycogen in an organism.  Thus, on it depend not only density of muscles and their volumes, but also potential ability of the body builder to high-intensity, demanding big energy consumption, to trainings.
The huge problem is connected with that this vitamin is well acquired only in the natural form. Tablets and capsules help a little. However today, in our century консервир