The proper dietary consumption is needed in order for our body to reach its potential goal. We eat for the necessary reason to live but we also eat to consume the natural resources for growth. The body is a systematic temple that takes distinctive shapes whether we want it to or not. so if it’s going to fluctuate why not participate with the outcome of it by exercising.
As study shows the Dept of Health and some nutritionist say that a healthy balanced diet is based on the six basic food groups but in body shaping a careful selection and the amount of diet is the key to maintaining a healthy look:
• Sugars and fats
• Dairy Products
• Meat. fish, poultry, dry beans, eggs, nuts
• Fruit
• Vegetables
• Bread, cereal, rice, pasta
Why do we gain or lose weight?
Well in a study of calories if you eat more than your body bums, on an average you will put on about 1 pound of body weight. If your body bums up more than you eat, you will lose about 1 pound in weight.
The only factor that influences how we gain, lose or maintain weight is the number of calories we consume in compared with the number of calories our body uses. This is also true for the athlete as it is for everyone else.
Every responsible bodybuilder and athlete recommends that you eat immediately after training, and preferably within 45 minutes (maybe up to 60 minutes). This period is known as the golden hour, a critical period in which the muscles absorb at its best the most nutrients and glycogen, and restores energy to your muscles. This period is very important for muscle repair and growth.
Bodybuilders consume a large quantity of resources when it comes to food. Just to give you an example of their intake within a days period here’s how trainers have to eat to grow and maintain:
Meal one (Breakfast) Calories Protein