This program is typically designed for the purpose of gaining weight or toning up all according to the way you want to look. It is also just a tool for some ideas about working out.
Weight Gaining - Start with a moderate amount of weight and increase 5 to 10 lbs per set but follow the program, concentrate on form through each routine. Each time day you come back to this exercise you should try to increase 5 to 10 lbs again, if you can’t, go back to where you last left off. (The body won’t always be able to increase in weight according to how you feel on certain days but don’t be discourage, stick to your plan of working out).
• Be true to yourself, practice proper range of motion, be consistent and don’t cheat.
• Be smart with your workout, don’t try to be superman or inhuman starting out with a lot of weights because you don’t want to look embarrass.
• Don’t let anyone push you beyond your ability or limits, work at your goal
gradually. Your body won’t change overnight.
• If you can’t increase in weights each week, go back to the previous week and
do the same routine but don’t stay at the same weights throughout the course of the program.
Structure Bodybuilding
For those who desire is not to Mass Bodybuild but to lose weight or Tone this is the ideal method for you.